Five ways to stop getting distracted | BBC Ideas
do you ever find yourself do you ever find yourself trying to concentrate you can't seem to focus why are we so distracted these days and is technology the root
cause of the problem or is there something deeper going on my name is near ayo and I have spentthe last five years researching and writing about the deeper psychology of distraction when I found myself struggling with distraction I decided to do what many people advised and got rid of the distracting technology I got myself a flip phone without any apps all they did was phone calls
and text messages then I got a word processor from the 1990s without any sort of internet connection unfortunately I found I still got distracted I'd start reading a book for my bookshelf I tidy up my desk I take out the trash even just to avoid the thing that
I didn't want to do I had only focus on the external triggers the pings and ding does that were leading me towards distraction what I hadn't focused on and what turns out to be a much more common source of distraction are the internal triggers the uncomfortable emotional states
that we seek to escape when we're lonely we check facebook when we're uncertain we Google when we're bored we check the news stock prices sports course anything to not feel these uncomfortable sensations that we're not ready to experience mmm here are a few techniques I discovered in my
research that can help us stay on track first what you want to do is to make sure you plan your day two-thirds of people don't keep any sort of calendar any kind of schedule in their day well the fact of the matter is if you don't plan your
day somebody is going to plan it for you many of us believe in this myth of the to-do list I used to think that just by writing things down they get done but of course I go from day to day to day recycling the bottom half of my
to-do list because I wasn't making time to do those tasks so the best place to start is not with the output of what you want to get done day but with the input of how much time you have to devote to every task so distraction has many consequences
one of them is that we find that when someone is interrupted during tasks it can take up to 20 minutes for them to refocus on what they were doing many times we don't even realize how much were smart output is wait some check email in one solid block
if you enjoy using social media that's great but make time for it in your day so it's not something you're only using everytime you feel bored or lonely researchers have found that surfing the urge is an effective way to master our internal triggers in a smoking cessation study
researchers found that when they taught smokers how to notice the sensation and be mindful of what they were experienced they became much more likely to stop smoking by surfing the urge and noticing what it is that we're experiencing and allowing that sensation to crest and then subside kind
of like how a surfer might surf a wave we allow that emotion that uncomfortable internal trigger to crest and then [Music] the next thing that we want to do is to be careful of liminal moments liminal moments are these periods of time when we are transitioning from one
task to the other so for example if you start checking your email on the way back from a meeting and you're finally at your desk and you keep checking your email instead of getting to the task at hand well now that liminal moment has turned into a distraction
so be careful those times when you're transitioning from one task to the next a study of Alcoholics found that the number one determinant of whether someone would stay sober after a rehabilitation program was not their level of physical dependency it wasn't what was happening in their body in
fact it was what was happening in their minds the people who are most likely to stay sober were those who believed they had the power to stop so when we think that technology is hijacking our brains or its addicting everyone we are making it more likely that we
won't be able to put technology distractions in their place so don't believe this line if there's nothing we can do clearly there's so much we can do to help make sure that we get the best out of these products without letting them get the best of us thanks
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