PRANKED! Served her own food by top chef 😂 – BBC
[Music] Marco so have you heard of Jane Miller from Corby Northamptonshire I've never heard okay well I have been in her lovely home in Corby and I've raided her
freezer without her knowing she's here holidaying on the cruise and we are going to serve our own food back
to her so you've turned into a food thief so let me show you what I managed to source right we've got some spicy she's written on that spicy soup there you go spicy spicy with an with an even spice a hey how would you present a soup though
in intermissions in a bold room brilliant okay Oh shepherd's pie an absolutely classic Heartland dish I'll open that up edible nutritious delicious brilliant I think we're presentable and then finally dessert I've managed to wipe out of her freezer a lovely bread and butter pudding so that's gonna be
a bit of a challenge but we'll see ultimately how she reviews have their own food [Music] here we are at the cruise ship fine dining restaurant isn't it spectacular and of course we've read the whole place up with cameras so there's a camera up here hello Jane is
going to be led to her table she'll be sitting here with her daughter Laura where her own food will be served to her plus a few extra surprises so as the restaurant is filling up with actors posing as diners it's time for Jane to arrive oh and they're
hanging up in the restaurant is the painting I stole from her bitch let's surface commence Jane you probably remember in your own home just outside it is a bush well I'm touching clippings from that bush and they've made it all the way over here so this is chopped
from your bush so what we going to do is we've selected the very best ones for you and we're going to pop it either side of your spice a soup which is very titled veloute of spiced autumn vegetables it's not a soup after all it's a vent a
little coconut milk and coconut sugar we shouldn't just set up a little bit of this smoothie look nice for the gala pretty sessions rigged a nice little dish okay and we put this on to disguise there we are service my friend so Jane's spicy soup has been heated
up and renamed veloute of spiced autumn vegetables with the side of of spiced autumn vegetables okay you gotta spice a super Jane has now picked up the cutting of her bush and she's not sufficient in that videos yeah he coulda smell she wakes up to it is not
on the way to work she likes them what do you think first bite of sue she went gorgeous right so she loves her own suit but then now she's come back we could do with the bit more kick spice more spice a these absolutely beautiful fetching blouses what
I'm going to do is ask these two lovely ladies to put on Jane's clothes and we'll see if she notices you're actually gonna sit on the table next to her okay there you go all right populating pop those on over the top okay Josh would you please seat
these lovely ladies in Jane's clothes [Music] though I'm not sure she's realized they are her own clothes from her water now this is very much and I Gouda Dexter is otherwise known as shepherds by shepherds it's just right I'm gonna follow your lead okay so little just make
little little pyramids so this is all Jane's mash do there we are my friend when you pick it in the evidence dust to relax service Jane's shepherd's pie is now ragu love Dexter beef boom purely [Music] [Music] [Applause] we're now going to attend to something I'm gonna say
very risky when I went round to James house I saw an ornament of her pride and joy so what we're gonna do is we're going to pop this ornament that I found in your conservatory in Corby what do you think mark I think she go there yeah so
Milo sits on a cake for a fake birthday on the table next to Jay [Music] [Applause] so if we reshaping the bread and butter pudding it's amazing what a cutter Tufts that is amazing Jane's bread and butter pudding is now path he'll do and a Clem on live
serve to her by the restaurants brand-new waiter is only just glued on this is the most nervous I've been for a while [Music] [Music] [Applause] yeah [Applause] now it's the end it was just sweating my fingers thank you very much [Music] moment you had any idea what was
happening to you I literally need to get off this ship enjoy the rest of your holiday I got to get this back into your house I gotta get the dog back to your house I got to get the big back on your wall I'm heading back to Kobe
[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you
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