In the Gulf, women, employed as domestic workers, are being sold online, via apps provided by Google and Apple. It’s been called an online slave market. BBC News Arabic goes undercover in Kuwaitto expose this shocking and disturbing online trade. It’s an unregulated black market deprivingwomen and children of their basic human rights, leaving them at risk of exploitation and abuse. All made possible by the Silicon Valley techgiants. What they are doing is illegal. If Google, Apple, Facebook or any other companyis promoting apps like these, hosting apps like these they are promoting an online slave market. In Kuwait, 90% of households employ a domesticworker – that’s one for every two Kuwaiti citizens. The government of Kuwait passed a new lawin 2015, giving domestic workers more rights. Together we are stronger. And imposing stricter regulations on thismulti-billion dollar industry. But it’s generated a lot of controversy. These new laws have pushed many to turn toa booming new industr...